Codagroove baby

Welcome to my world

Mail me 

Musician, producer and  member of

Can I kick it ?
You never know...

  • Generic placeholder image
    Let's get lost
    Coming soon
    Never be late
    Try again.
  • Generic placeholder image
    Are you experienced ?
    Any chance 
    for a hair cut ? 
    Not at all.
  • Generic placeholder image
    never ending fill   
    does this make sense ?
    I don't think so
    I'll keep it there anyway.



Is it me you're looking for ?

Meet me In Real Life

codagroove drummer batteur producteur producer

Drumming is life

and life is drumming


codagroove way out

Way Out



batterie drums codagroove stage
backstage band wayout
cello stage scene
drums batterie stage scene

rythm guitar guitare rythmique
singer chanteur
lead guitar guitare solo
bass guitar guitare basse



Eat, sleep, produce repeat

That's what I do but I also play
plucked strings instruments, keyboards and various percussions.



Easy peasy but a little bit busy 
feel free to subscribe or leave
a message, I'll get back to you.

Grand Paris, France
P: +33780977521


Compositeur recherche Montreuil